Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12


Cal Count: 1255
Granola bar 140
Mango 1 c.  90
Ham Sammich 300 (have to stop eating these - not a lot of fill for the count)
Carrots  35
Edamame 75
Lean Cuisine Chicken with Basil Cream Sauce - MY FAVE  250
Ice Cream Sammich 100 - omg soooooooooooo good
Was doing so good and then Mary wanted to make chocolate cookies again 300 (I am trying to estimate sneaks from the dough and then the warm cookie I am gonna eat

How I wish that running errands counted as cardio
Need to think of what I can do that won't hurt my neck :(
1) Johnny Gillespie's Brand New Beginner's Course - Class

Basically it came down to I didn't have enough energy to do any real workout.  I added some of Sadie's sun salutations and some good leg stretching to what we got done on BNB class. Besides the Saints v the Pats in 9 minutes - I am sure I will get some jumping up and down points!  Gotta go get my Bush Jersey  Woot


  1. 1200 Calories obviously won't hurt you every now and then, but you'll need to change it up to get your body to let go of some fat -- that's my theory at least!!

    Keep up the good work! I'm on my own little quest to lose some weight .... so far, so good!

  2. PS - though I normally do really like the Patriots I really have to announce good and loud - DUMB PATS! Boo.
