Sunday, August 15, 2010



Cal Count: 877

Slim Fast 200
Slim Fast 200
Lean Cuisine 240
Brussel sprouts 65
Butter on brussels 72
Mango Chunks 90

Found a new website last night and watched this video by Rumiana Ilieva on her website Workout Routines for Women.  It is a unique site.  I did the Anti-Cellulite video that I watched last night.  The exercises are not difficult to understand but the sequence at her pace WILL make you sweat.  The video is 20 minutes long so obviously not a full cardio but hey if you have 20 minutes - calories burned are calories earned.  By the scale that I found here and figuring that I was putting a rather decent amount of effort for a first showing, I am thinking between 150 and 200 calories in the 20 minute span.  Not too shabby.  Now, this is a NO FRILLS video.  She is simple and sweet and there is no music.  Aha...I just set my Pandora to KISS and turned the volume off on the video.  :D  The pace was actually pretty close.  Bonus - I didn't get annoyed by some way too thin, peppy blonde :)  Not that Rumiana is those things.  She has a very sweet way...I just needed music today.  ***Important side note --  She doesn't do any stretching after the workout so plan on 5 more minutes for a proper cool down, kk?*****

I have high hopes to accomplish some Yoga later.

Sadie Nardini Low Back Flow videos from YouTube.  This is GREAT!  I guess all told it was about 25 minutes of Yoga held within 3 videos (so 140 calories according to Livestrong).  But that's not the great part.  She REALLY takes a LOT of time to explain the different transitions and the core circles from side angle pose that I have been trying to figure out.  The con of that is that we are holding poses as she explains so LONG hold times.  DANG I worked hard!  I think that I may go back and just WATCH the vid again because though I learned much during the practice I am quite sure I missed just as much.

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